• House cats’ noses may function like highly efficient chemical analysis equipment

    Updated: 2023-06-30 13:26:35
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search House cats†noses may function like highly efficient chemical analysis equipment June 30, 2023 PLOS ONE Researchers use a 3D model to find that house cats†noses may function like highly efficient chemical analysis equipment . A new computer simulation of domestic cats†noses suggests that the convoluted nasal structures involved in their sense of smell function similarly to parallel coiled gas chromatographs—laboratory equipment used for highly efficient analysis of the chemical makeup of substances . Zhenxing Wu of the Ohio State University , U.S . and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal  PLOS Computational Biology  on June 29, 2023. Vertebrates use their

  • New single-photon Raman lidar can monitor for underwater oil leaks

    Updated: 2023-06-30 13:19:57
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search New single-photon Raman lidar can monitor for underwater oil leaks June 30, 2023 Optica Researchers developed a single-photon Raman lidar system that operates underwater and can remotely distinguish various substances They demonstrated the system by using it to detect varying thicknesses of gasoline oil in a quartz cell that was 12 meters away from the system in a large pool . Researchers report a new single-photon Raman lidar system that operates underwater and can remotely distinguish various substances . They also show that the new system can detect the thickness of the oil underwater up to 12 m away , which could be useful for detecting oil . spills “Differentiating substances in water

  • Re: Polarity and Water Solubility of L-Alanin

    Updated: 2023-06-30 13:16:17
    I am not familiar with the abbreviation IEP. bsp Would you please define it for me? bsp The side chain (-CH3) of alanine is non-polar compared with some of the other side chains, such as -CH2OH, the side chain of serine. bsp There is a very big difference, however, in how an alanyl residue in a polypeptide behaves versus the free amino acid alanine. bsp What intermolecular force (IMF) is present in free alanine but not in an alanyl resi

  • Water Breaks in Tejas

    Updated: 2023-06-29 20:35:49
    Local laws mandating that 10 minute water breaks be given to construction workers every 4 hours have been eliminated by Tejas Governor Greg Abbott and the legislature under HB2127 titled “Texas Regulatory Consistency Act.” The bill was put forward by Rep. Dustin Burrows, R-Lubbock. The bill is seen as an effort to push back on […]

  • Smaller-than-average harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie

    Updated: 2023-06-29 17:04:19
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Smaller-than-average harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie June 29, 2023 Ohio State University NOAA and its research partners are forecasting that western Lake Erie will experience a smaller-than-average that aims to deliver accurate , relevant , timely and reliable ecological forecasts directly to coastal resource managers , public health officials and the public . In addition to the early season projections from NOAA and its partners , NOAA also issues HAB forecasts during the bloom season . These forecasts provide the current extent and five-day outlooks of where the bloom will travel and what concentrations are likely to be seen , allowing local decision makers to make

  • “… radical-left Democrats, Marxist, communists and fascists …”

    Updated: 2023-06-29 16:19:36
    I’m running out of words to describe the deplorable ex-president #45. Just when you think he can’t add to his steaming heap of manure called a legacy, he shovels on more. It seems like there is no limit to the falsehoods he is willing to declare in public and no limit to what his supporters […]

  • Late Night Thoughts on Twisters, Replay.

    Updated: 2023-06-27 15:12:45
    Now that we are well into tornado season in North America, I thought I’d dredge this old 2007 post up out of the cobwebs in the dungeon. As Uncle Al pointed out in the comments, Middle Easterners did have dust devils so a vortex of wind was not unknown there. These, however, are no match […]

  • MIRV Talk

    Updated: 2023-06-26 17:31:14
    Some vocabulary from bad old days of the Cold War has come back to haunt us. Russia has announced that it has deployed its RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in Belarus. The 112 ft long, 211 ton missile is said to carry 15 Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs). As new and scary as this […]

  • Standing up for what you believe

    Updated: 2023-06-22 22:37:39
    I’ve long had difficulty with the validity of advice that says “always stand up for what you believe.” Superficially, it is inspirational to those working in a difficult and discouraging situation. It is meant to convey encouragement that a person should strive not to give up on a difficult goal. Keep chipping away at the […]

  • Chinese Espionage From Cuba

    Updated: 2023-06-21 18:15:05
    This caught me by surprise. I have long suspected that Putin would establish a base in Cuba. Instead, the Chinese are working on it. According to the Financial Times, the Biden administration has disclosed that China has been conducting electronic espionage from Cuba since 2019. (This was reported by the Wall Street Journal 6/8/23, but […]

  • Ball Sports. Pfft!

    Updated: 2023-06-20 19:35:32
    It turns out that I have no aptitude at all for ball sports or dancing. My long suffering spouse has been forced to dance without me. My natural athletic abilities are concentrated on my uncanny ability to jump out of the way or just standing back. This proclivity is rich in survival benefits. For instance, […]

  • Hydrogen and its Spin

    Updated: 2023-06-16 21:04:00
    Atomic hydrogen (the major isotope protium) is the simplest, lightest and most abundant neutral atom in the universe. Molecular hydrogen, H2, is the simplest neutral molecule in the universe. Seems very simple. Well, hold on. Turns out that molecular hydrogen has two distinct forms and it relates to the business of nuclear spin. Quantum mechanics […]

  • Global oil demand growth to flatten in 2028

    Updated: 2023-06-15 15:48:27
    The International Energy Agency (IEA) is predicting that growth in annual demand for crude oil will shrink from 2.8 million barrels per day to 0.4 million barrels per day by 2028. This is interpreted to be the result of the global shift to cleaner energy alternatives as well as high prices and security of supply […]

  • Expelling Women from Pastoral Duty

    Updated: 2023-06-14 19:46:34
    Latest news from the Baptists. At the 2023 Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in New Orleans a move is underway to expel almost 2000 women from pastoral functions in its churches. A general vote will take place this week. Apparently, the right wing of the SBC wants to crack down on what it sees as a […]

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